Thursday, October 14, 2010

Autumn Sunsets

Journal for Christa—

After rising early this morning and driving back from Kansas City, I’m looking at the most beautiful Colorado sunset—stripes of bold pink splashed across the tops of the front range, with trees filling in the foreground like shadows. Scenes like these make me wish I were an artist.

Colorado greeted us with a bite of coldness that awakened the realization that winter is not far behind. So, with my ten dollar off coupon, I bought a pair of pants at Kohls today. I like winter just through Christmas, but you know a Colorado winter is just gathering arctic winds at that point. That thought alone can send my spirits downward, but the long winter is not here yet. And the faint orange glow over the peaks beacons me to focus on the things I love:

Newborn baby yawns
Big toddler eyes that say, “I love being with you!”
Baby babblings with the words “Granny and Gampa” tossed in
The last research paper graded
Facebook news from Germany
Skypes from the girls in Texas
Seeing you on Sundays
Crawling under my mom’s handmade quilt with Jay at night
Seeing splashes of pink and orange across the evening sky—

Even though winter will come, tonight I’ve turned on the heat, the Ipod, and chose to think instead of the things that bring warmth to my life. 

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