are lots of fathers here today:
a lot for us.
They are all very different, but they are all good fathers.
Special things have been prepared for them, but I don't know what they are.
When I said to the girls, "What should we do for Father's Day?" I was told that Jay is their father and it's all taken care of.
Sometimes, it's nice to be admonished.
I have baked beans in the oven and a ham ready to put in. My sister is bringing deviled eggs and homemade ice cream.
One father will preach the sermon this morning. Many people will not know him. Some will remember him as a boy running through the church in red high top tennis shoes.
The most important thing for a father is to know deeply of the First Father and to honor Him.
The Great Creator of all things could think of us in any way He choses.
He choses to be a Father.